Monday, April 2, 2007

Burn Her!

I always thought of "mother nature" as a kind woman who distributed flowers, fed them with rain and dried them with sunshine (I am speaking from a purely child-like perspective, not dealing with the theological issues of much greater importance). Well, here in the Czech Republic where religion is a mixture of traditional Catholic, confusing superstition, new-age philosophies, and old-fashioned paganism, Mother Nature gets a bad wrap. My friend April sent me this photo of a "mother nature" dummy that was made by her children's class at pre-school. At a welcome party for Spring, the kids sing a song, catch the dummy on fire and throw her in the river! And they say America promotes violence!

I am including her a portion of April's letter about their ministry in Olomouc to give you a picture of Czech people. Please be in prayer for their salvation.

"We ask that you pray for the children. They are growing up in a Godless society. They are taught that absolutes do no exist and gratifying and satisfying ones self is the reason they exist. They grow up in homes where the mother is the primary caretaker and their Dad's work, go out at night, and often have girlfriends on the side. Pornographic magazines and pictures are at eye level, out in the open, and easily seen by little boys walking into certain shops and gas stations. They are confronted with pornography from the very beginning of their tender lives. Pray that girls will live to be more than objects, but people created in God's image. Pray for their parents and their salvation! Pray that God would move in the hearts of men who would then lead their families to the cross. Pray for lighthouses of hope and grace throughout Czech. Pray for our children as they seek ways to share with their friends the truth about Christ."

I would echo those requests and implore for your intercession as well. It is not uncommon here for girls and boys to be sexually active in their early teens. Doctors even teach girls that it is best for their health to have as many partners as possible. Marriage is all but an institution of the past. Most people now live together and get married only when they get pregnant, for financial reasons. Czechs are the biggest beer consumers in the world and most kids are already drinking at 14-15. Please pray for this country and for these children.

Andrew met a new friend at the park yesterday and he came over to play today at our home. His name is Tomas (Thomas). Please pray for us to get to know his family and share Christ with them.

In Him,


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